Chicana and Chicano Studies presents - Afro-Chicanx Digital Humanities Project: Memories, Narratives, and Oppositional Consciousness of Black Diasporas (April 2- April 7)

AfroChicanx Project at UCSB
Funded by the Crossing Latinidades Humanities Initiative via the Mellon Foundation
Tuesday, April 2 at 5pm:  
"Afro-Chicanx Digital Humanities Project: Memories, Narratives, and Oppositional Consciousness of Black Diasporas" Panel with the Professors Dora Careaga-Coleman, Michelle Téllez, Linda García-Merchant, Emiko Tanaka Saldivar and Micaela Díaz-Sánchez
Reception to follow.
Location: UCSB Multicultural Center Theater
Wednesday, April 3 at 5pm: 
Flavors of the African Diaspora Culinary Workshop/Demonstration con Prof. Dora Careaga-Coleman.
Location: UCSB Multicultural Center Lounge
Thursday, April 4:
1pm: Anti-Racism Workshop and Platica with Dr. Emiko Tanaka Saldivar. Please contact John Jairo Valencia for more information ( 
5pm: AfroChicanx Photography Workshop with Koral Carballo.
Location: UCSB Las Maestras Center, South Hall 1415
Saturday, April 6 at 4pm: 
Flavors of the African Diaspora Culinary Workshop/Demonstration con Prof. Dora Careaga-Coleman.
Location: Ortega Park Welcome House (632 E. Ortega St, Santa Barbara 93101)
From Friday, April 5-7 we will conduct oral histories to document experiences of Afro-Chicanx, Afro-Mexicans, Blaxicans in California. There is a QR Code on the flyer with the information to sign up. Please email John Jairo Valencia for more information ( 
Sponsors: Dr. Aída Hurtado, Luis Leal Endowed Chair, Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies, Chicano Studies Institute, Charles R. Hale, Dean of Social Sciences, UCSB Multicultural Center, Las Maestras Center for Xicana[x] Indigenous Thought, Art, and Social Praxis, Feminist Futures, Department of Black Studies, The Global Latinidades Project, and the Mellon Foundation.
Please click on the flyers below 1x to expand each image.